How to Plant and Grow Iris

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Iris reticulata: planting, care and multiplication
Iris reticulata , also called reticulated iris, is a small bulbous plant that blooms in the last days of winter, announcing spring. Its flowers attract attention even before they are open, when the petals begin to unfurl long, narrow and tapered, peeking out from the pale green leaves that envelop them. Once open, the irises display their full beauty with an attractive tricolor pattern of purple, white and yellow hues.
Iris reticulata , a small spring-blooming bulbous plant
Iris reticulata is a bulbous iris in the family Iridaceae . It is native to the mountains of the Caucasus, Turkey, Iran and Iraq, but is cultivated in all temperate regions of the planet. It is considered a spring plant, but the truth is that it blooms at the end of winter, a little ahead of the new season. At home we grow Iris reticulata bulbs in pots. A couple of them have already opened and the others won't be long.
The genus name, Iris, comes from Greek mythology . It is the name of the Greek goddess of the rainbow and with it homage is paid to the colorful flowers of the different types of lilies. The species name, reticulata , means "reticulated," and refers to the web pattern that can be seen on the bulbs of these plants.
Iris reticulata flowers
The flowers of this dwarf iris have 6 petals : 3 larger external ones, spotted with white and yellow, and 3 smaller ones that grow curved towards the inside of the flower. They are of three colors: purple blue, yellow and white . The blue color covers most of the flower, so we could say that they are blue flowers with yellow and white spots. The plant, in total, does not exceed 15 cm in height, and its flowers lack aroma.

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Iris reticulata cultivation
The Iris reticulata bulbs are planted in autumn , when the soil is warm, about 10 cm deep. They can be grown interchangeably in the garden soil, in pots or another type of container. If they are planted in a pot they can be placed very close together , almost touching each other. If they are planted in the ground, with the idea that they naturalize and form masses, it is better to leave some space between them, not too much, for the bulbils that will form.
The irises will begin to develop roots from the time of planting. During the winter they will sprout their leaves and flower at the end of the cold season , as soon as the temperatures soften a bit. After flowering the leaves fully unfold and continue to grow. From that moment on, new daughter bulbs are formed underground, attached to the mother bulb, which recharge energy while the leaves dry up. During those days it is convenient to provide a little fertilizer to the plants so that they do not lack nutrients. The bulbs will have completed their vegetative cycle when the leaves dry up completely, entering a rest period until September.
Iris reticulata plantation
All small spring flowering bulbs make a great visual impact when planted in masses. A grassy meadow dotted with small flowers, or a flowerbed with a large group of these dwarf Irises is a sight to behold.
But those of us who don't have much space can also enjoy its beautiful flowers in containers. Potted spring bulbs are also a sight. A group of Iris reticulata filling a pot will be perfect. Its flowers will add a touch of color to any corner of the garden, terrace or even at home.
Personally I love to decorate my house with the flowers of these small bulbs. I keep them outside while they grow and when the flowers start to open I bring them inside. After they wither, I leave them again on the terrace, so that they can finish their vegetative cycle there.

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Cultivar Iris reticulata
Iris reticulata plants like humus-rich, well-drained, neutral to slightly alkaline soil . If the pH of your land is acidic, you can correct it by adding lime to your soil. Do not fertilize with manure, as it will lower the pH of the soil.
Iris reticulata bulbs withstand frosts down to -15ÂșC. Cold winters favor spring growth .
Iris reticulata irrigation
Iris reticulata are somewhat drought tolerant , a characteristic that makes them appropriate for rockeries.
In regions without adequate winter rains, water well after planting and occasionally until foliage and flowers emerge. They must be watered during the growing season, but once they go dormant, they require no water at all. Like all bulbs, Iris Reticulata rots if overwatered or if the soil retains too much water.
After flowering, the bulbs must be fertilized with a special fertilizer for them. We will let the leaves dry little by little on the plant and we will not remove them until they are completely dead. The green foliage serves to absorb and store nutrients during this period. Then we will let the bulbs rest in dry soil during their summer dormancy.

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Iris reticulata bulbs prefer a full sun location in the garden. They can also grow with some shade, but the more hours of sunlight they get, the better.
If, like us, you like these small Iris reticulata flowers, we hope that with our advice you can enjoy the cultivation, development and flowering of this plant.
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