Create a Daffodil garden

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Plant daffodils, tulips and crocuses
Heralds of spring, which include daffodils, tulips and crocuses, sprout very early. They finish flowering before the trees are completely covered in leaves and before they take away the light. Most bulb flowers prefer a place exposed to full sun.
The longer the daffodils, tulips and crocuses are in the shade, the fewer flowers they form. So that waterlogging does not occur and the tubers do not rot, the soil must be permeable. If the soil is very rich in nutrients, it is possible to reduce its content a little by adding a little sand or gravel.
Don't want to go to great lengths with bulbous plants? Choose varieties that come back every year and that don't have to be dug out of the ground regularly. Plant the bulbs by mid-December, whenever the ground is not frozen. Place the bulbs in a hole that is twice as deep as their size and cover it with soil again.

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Care of daffodils, tulips and crocuses
Once planted, bulbous flowers are little work. Water the soil after planting the bulbs and again after they sprout. The easy-care flower bulbs only need additional moisture at exceptionally high temperatures.
If you planted your spring flowers in a pot, water them every two weeks when the first leaves appear.
Daffodils, tulips or crocuses need enough nutrients to produce many flowers. Add a liquid flower fertilizer to the watering water as soon as the first leaves appear. Act especially quickly when the plant needs more nutrients.
If the plants have wilted, cut the flower stalks. This will prevent seeds from forming and needlessly depriving themselves of plant nutrients. Do not cut the leaves until they have dried. It's not exactly palatable, but it's how nutrients from the leaves are returned to the bulb and stored until next spring.
Have you planted crocuses and daffodils in the lawn? Then mow the grass around the plants as much as possible. Brown leaves can be eliminated for aesthetic reasons.

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