How to make mango Garden

How to Plant Mango Palmer
OriginAt first, the palmer mango or Mangifera indica is native to Miami, Florida, in the United States and was known in the year 1945. Here in Brazil, the palmer mango arrived in 1960.Because it is a more resistant fruit than mangoes, it is mainly used for commercial purposes. It is cultivated in Asia, North, Central and South America as well as in the Caribbean, Australia and Africa.
In principle, the palmer mango is considered semi-dwarf. Its canopy is dense, open and beautiful, however, it is small in size and its size is controlled with pruning. Its trunk is certainly wide with hard, rough bark and contains resinous latex. Its leaves are lenceolate, coriaceous and are between 15 and 35 cm long.
The flower garden is abundant, having paniculate inflorescences as well as terminals and its flowers are small and polygamous. The pulp is yellow, firm, juicy and with little or no fiber and they are mainly very sweet.
It has ovoid or elongated shape as well as ovoid. The skin of the fruit can be thin but resistant. It can be pink, yellow, red, green or orange . Its use is for consumption in natura, sweets, juices, compotes and other foods. Its core or seed is smaller than other mangoes, being also fibrous.
Palmer mango cultivation
Here you will learn how to make mango palmer seedlings with leaves, branches, cuttings or cuttings, seed, water . Come check it out:
First, get a container that can be a vase, ice cream pot or pet bottle
Drill holes in the bottom for good drainage.
Soon after, place a filter that can be bedim blanket or even those fibers used in pillows
Then add plain soil and place the seed lying, without burying, on top of the soil.
I throw a layer of soil over the seed until it completely covers it. It needs to be a very ripe fruit without any pulp
Water immediately afterwards and every day
Within a month, your bud will have sprouted in such a way that it will have 2 to 3 well-arranged leaves.

Planting in pots with germination in 7 days
Check now the care for germination:Right after enjoying that delicious palmer mango, clean the pit well and with a sterilized knife make a cut, in such a way as to open the pit a little
Open this protective cover and take out the seed inside
Then get a vase between 7 and 20 liters with holes in the bottom and sides of the bottom, for good drainage.
Add a layer of crushed stone and styrofoam
Soon after, put soil fertilized with bone meal, simple soil, well-cured manure as well as worm humus, leaving a finger of space
Place the seed or seeds lying down without burying
Cover with soil until the seed is covered.
Water well with a spray bottle until the substrate is moistened.
Within 3 to 4 days the seeds will start to sprout
in pet bottle
The planting of palmer mango in pet bottle would be just for the germination process in the ground to make the seedlings, according to the example described above.
in apartment
There's a way to plant mango palms in an apartment … Do you doubt it? Then check out our tip:First, clean the mango pit well and let it dry in a dry place for 3 days. It does not need to be directly in the sun as this can kill the seed.
After this period, remove the seed from the pit by cutting a small piece from the side of the pit.
Then, separate a container that can be a vase or even a pet bottle.
Drill holes in the bottom of the container and place vegetable soil that would be simple soil with well-cured manure, mixed with worm humus
In the upper part of the seed there is a kind of “beak” where the roots as well as the stem of the plant will come out.
Place the seed, touching the bottom of the container so that the part with the spout is in the middle of the container.
Complete with substrate to cover all seed
Water every day with a spray bottle
About 30 days your seedling will be beautiful and with many leaves
With grafting (air layering)
Now you will discover how to germinate your palmer seedling, planting by grafting:Firstly, you must have a seedling of any mango variety to use for grafting.
Secondly, cut a branch, with sterilized pruning shears, from an adult mango palmer, preferably from the tips of the tree that is not in a woody state of 10 cm
Remove all the leaves from the branch that will be grafted, taking care not to damage the budding buds.
Soon after, cut the stem of the aerial part of the seedling, completely removing its tip
With the help of pruning shears, make a V inside the stem, where the seedling was cut
Then unite the branch with the seedling and wrap it with durex or another tape to fix it well.
The thickness of the branch should be similar to the stem of the grafted seedling.
By the way, you can also tie it with a plastic, no problem
Soon after, cover with a bag. If you are going to put it in a sunny place, put a bag of bread for example
It is important to leave it in a ventilated and dry place
In garden, vegetable garden, terrarium
First of all, we point out that you can plant your mango palmer in pots, even in cement pots. It's just not recommended in a glass cup for obvious reasons, okay?! Check now how to plant in your garden or garden or terrarium:At first, make a 30 cm hole and add well-cured manure to the bottom of the hole and mix it with sand and the soil in the hole.
Fill the hole with soil for planting the next day.
Soon after this period has passed, plant the palmer mango seed lying down or accommodate your seedling
Complete with earth and press to firm well
The time of year when the mango blooms is in the month of July, however, it can vary from year to year depending on the period of rain. But how to pollinate and how to make it flower ? It is the insects in charge of doing this job when the mango palmer comes to visit.
Palmer mango floral induction
There is a method, generally used in the industrial production of mango palmer, where the plant is induced to flower mechanically.
This must be after pruning. The name of the product to be used is cultivate with active ingredient is Paclobutrazol. And then dormancy will be broken with potassium nitrate:First, measure the product, which will depend on the vegetative state of the plant, which can vary between 2 and 6 ml per meter, as well as the diameter of the palm tree crown. Plants with smaller vegetative size, obviously should receive the lowest doses
The recommended dose is 24 ml per 2 liters of water
Application should be done with a watering can around the crown or at the base of the trunk.
This solution is for just one tree
After application, wet the soil well for the product to have the desired effect.
Firstly, the time of year that the mango palmer bears fruit is from October to March. It begins to bear fruit 2 years after sprouting .
Check here how to prune your mango palm and make it stronger and more beautiful with more fruit:Firstly, pruning will depend on the size you prefer your plant.
Always prune below the bud, which is where the leaves are, or also pruning only the leaves.
There's a way to arrange it with palmer sleeves. Just use your imagination and make real works of art with the peel or the sliced fruit to decorate your dining table.
moon to plant
Certainly the moon has a great influence on the planting of fruit trees and in the case of the mango palmer, this also works. The best moon to plant mango palms would be the full moon which will make the fruits juicy and firm.
Palmer mango benefits
First of all, mango is very nutritious and also contains vitamins, mineral salts and other substances that are very good for our health.
In 100 grams of palmer mango there are only 60 calories and it contains nutrients such as carbohydrates, fiber, antioxidants, minerals such as potassium, iron, magnesium, zinc and calcium. It also has vitamins A, C, K as well as vitamin E.
fighting cancer
Palmer mango has many antioxidants that prevents leukemia, which would be blood cancer as well as colon, prostate and breast cancer.
Health for digestive system
This fruit facilitates bowel movement and transit and also leaves the digestive system healthy and clean. Palmer mango helps reduce stomach acidity by containing substances with bioactives such as aldehydes, esters and terpenes that act against indigestion.
against cholesterol
The fruit has a large amount of vitamin C that helps in the elimination of lipoprotein. That way bad cholesterol decreases, balancing blood levels.
healthy brain
Vitamin B6 found in mango palmer, boosts the nervous system as well as improves brain functions. This helps a lot in reducing stress levels and providing well-being.
Beautiful and healthy skin
The fruit of the mango palmer has antioxidants that offer numerous benefits for our skin. It prevents premature aging, accelerates healing processes, such as when pimples and acne appear.
That's because these antioxidants rejuvenate, repair cells as well as eliminate toxins. Even the mango manages to reduce skin spots and also effectively hydrates your mucous membranes. The fruit is also excellent for treating dry skin, just mix the fruit with natural skimmed yogurt and apply to the skin for 15 minutes.
health for eyes
Palmer mango contains retinol, i.e. vitamin A that improves eye health.

increased metabolism
The fruit certainly has fibers that accelerate the metabolic process of our organism.
healthy hair
Mango improves the blood circulatory system in our body, consequently increasing the uptake of oxygen by the hair follicles. This makes the hair grow strong and shiny. In addition, the fruit also fights dandruff by containing vitamin A and vitamin E.
Strengthens immune system
The fruit contains about 25 carotenoids with a lot of vitamin C that strengthens the immune system.
without diabetes
Palmer mango manages to balance blood glucose levels. That's because the antioxidant mangiferin present in the swipe reduces the absorption of glucose in the body and restricts the enzymes that increase the digestion of carbohydrates. In addition, there are polyphenols present in mango that also help to lower blood sugar.
fertility up to date
The fruit contributes to an active sex life as it is rich in folic acid as well as folate which improves fertilization and also prevents miscarriages.
balanced alkalinity
Mango has malic, tartaric as well as citric acid. Together these acids balance the alkaline level in our organism.
Promotes weight loss
The hormone leptin, present in mango palmer, effectively restricts the production of fat cells and, with the help of fruit fibers, helps to lose weight in a healthy way.
No stroke
The palmer mango fruit is excellent for preventing and combating stroke, that is, stroke. This is because it controls homocysteine levels in the blood.
healthy joint
The palmer mango as described earlier, has a lot of vitamin C which is important for the production of collagen in the body. Collagen is essential for joint flexibility, especially as we age.
no anemia
Anemia happens when there are not enough red cells in our body to carry oxygen to tissues. Later resulting in fatigue and certainly problems in various organs of the body. This happens due to low iron intake. The palmer mango is a great natural remedy to fight anemia because it has a high concentration of iron.
Prevents asthma
This delicious fruit has beta-carotene that effectively prevents asthma, especially those that occur after some type of exercise.
Prevents kidney stones
Regardless of being more or less sweet, mango palmer reduces the incidence of kidney stones.
no heatstroke
Mango is excellent for treating sunstroke. However, it is necessary to consume the green fruit mixed with honey, beaten in a blender. Surprisingly, this mixture will cool your body, eliminating the effects of sunstroke.
gaining muscle
150 grams of palmar mango has only 86 calories, that is, you gain healthy muscle mass, enjoying a delicious fruit.
Pests on mango palmer
Did you think that the mango would escape from different types of pests ? Unfortunately not! Check now which are the parasites that attack the mango palmer in how to get rid of the pests :
powdery mildew
Powdery mildew is a fungus that primarily attacks the lower part of the leaves, presenting a white and grayish structure with a purulent appearance. As the days go by, this leaf becomes necrotic and has a dark color. At the top, the color turns reddish brown.
In order to control and subsequently eliminate the pest, it is necessary to spray insecticide, especially during the hottest hours of the day.
This pest is an infection caused by a fungus that takes advantage of hot and rainy summers for its infestation. It causes damage to the fruits, mainly, soon after the harvest. First, spots appear in the reddish brown color that ends up extending later to the fruit.
In many cases, anthracnose is confused with the disease called bitter rot. In high humidity, the plant's conidia consequently become exposed and enveloped in a mucilaginous pink mass and the fruits become shriveled and eventually fall off.
To eliminate this pest, it is necessary to remove and subsequently burn the infected fruits. In addition, the application of an appropriate fungicide will be necessary.

fruit fly
This is the queen of the mango pest infestation. Adult flies make halos on the fruits, approximately 2 cm in diameter with dark coloration. When the larvae hatch the halo turns brown in color due to the rotting of the mango palmer skin.
It is in this rotting tissue that fungi thrive. The pest prefers to attack fruits that are exposed to the sun. Consequently, because it is a shorter egg-laying insect, the species only attacks fruits at a very advanced stage of maturation. This ends up causing loss of fruit quality. Check out the procedures to eradicate the pest:
First, monitor using traps such as McPhail-type traps or traps made in plastic packaging with food attractants for flies. 5% hydrolyzed protein and 10% fruit juice, torula brown sugar as well as wine vinegar can be used. It is also possible to add 2.5% to 5% of molasses by changing the attractants every 15 days.
It is also possible to make toxic baits soaked with molasses and spray products.
This insect attacks mango trees when the mango tree is developing. It does this mainly at night, causing defoliation of the plant and in severe infestations, it can cause death of the mango palm.
It is possible to protect mango palmer seedlings by placing plastic umbrellas or even aluminum foil. To eliminate the pest, baits or powdered chemicals are used, as well as liquid insecticides applied via nebulization.
white cochineal
The white cochineal feeds on the fruits and also on the leaves of the mango palmer. To put an end to this pest, it is necessary to spray and lime sulphur, as well as mineral and vegetable oils.
Thrips is an insect that bites the underside of leaves, consequently causing the appearance of yellow and chlorotic spots that later turn brown.
In severe infestations, defoliation takes place. This attack can happen mainly at the beginning of the development of the plant, which later have withered, reduced or dry fruits. Control can only happen with specific insecticide spraying.
This tireless insect always attacks the mango trees, but mainly in the driest period. In more severe infestations, the leaves become shriveled due to the suction on the leaves caused by the pests.
Consequently, the leaves turn black, making the plant's photosynthesis process difficult. The elimination of this pest is done only by spraying a specific insecticide.
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