how to make cherry tomatoes garden
How to grow cherry tomatoes: everything you need to know

Usually, it is used in salads or even to embellish dishes and has been “winning” more and more connoisseurs for culinary purposes.
This type of tomato is characterized by good yields, as a cherry tomato plant can bear many fruits.
Keep in mind that this type of tomato should “get” at least 4/5 hours of sun a day and be watered frequently to maximize results and yields.
Varieties of cherry tomatoes: know some…
There are some cherry tomato varieties that you should consider if you want to start growing them, namely:

This type of cherry tomato grows and develops quickly , making it possible to harvest these tomatoes quickly. Of the tomato varieties listed in this article, it is the one that bears fruit first.
chadwick and fox
This variety of cherry tomatoes is also a fast grower and is characterized by a spicier flavor.
Sweet Treats
Of all the cherry tomato varieties listed in this article, this is the one that has the fruits with the most intense and deep red color , also being characterized by being sweet and resistant to various pests and diseases during its cultural cycle.
sun sugar
This type of cherry tomato is similar to the Sungold variety mentioned above, however, its skin is more resistant and ends up not “cracking” so easily.READ MORE-How to make Eggplant garden
Now that you know a little more about cherry tomato varieties, how about getting “hands on” and start planning your sowing/planting?

1 . When to cultivate?
If growing under glass, sow the seed in mid-spring in very moderate heat or in an unheated greenhouse.
You may also consider growing indoors or outdoors.
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If you consider the interior of your home:
Sowing time: beginning until mid-spring, with sowing carried out in modules or pots.
If considering planting: Planting time is mid to late spring.
If you consider the outside:
Outdoor sowing time: mid-spring
Outdoor planting time: early summer
2. What distance between plants should I consider?
Planting distance (in string): 45 cm
Planting distance (in bush): 60 cm
Distance between sowing rows: 75 cm
3. When should I harvest?
Harvesting should take place at the end of summer.
4. When should I transfer seeded tomatoes?
Once they are big enough to handle , transfer the seedlings to individual pots. When the plants are big enough, move them to growing bags, large pots or greenhouse borders.The soil will need to be changed , preferably once a year if the tomatoes are grown directly in a border.
5. Get a form of support
Find a form of support , such as twine or cane, to tie the tomatoes as they grow so that they can serve as tutors.
6. Remove side shoots
Remove side shoots that may eventually appear.
7. Watering and sun exposure

Keep your tomatoes well watered and fed every ten days with a liquid fertilizer rich in potassium bicarbonate, as soon as the fruits begin to “swell”. If you are growing your tomatoes in glass greenhouses, cut off the tops of the plants when they reach the “ceiling” of the glass.
water regularly
You should water the tomato plants every two days. The soil must always be moist but not soggy. If the soil is dry at some point, water it until it becomes moist again.
For strand growing outdoors, follow the same process as above, with one exception: the plants must be strengthened before being planted outdoors, and this should only happen when the frosts are over.
They must be placed in an exposed and sunny place, with fertile soil.
Shrubby forms should be treated in the same way, with the exception that they do not need to remove the side shoots.
8. Harvest
Harvest the tomatoes as they mature and this happens when they start to turn red. At this stage, they must be harvested with a small foot, simply “twisting” the stem.
At the end of the season, dig up any remaining plants and hang them upside down in a sheltered spot to let them finish maturing.
9. Storage and conservation
Tomatoes taste best freshly picked, although they can keep for a few days.
You can choose to freeze it, but in this case, it is only suitable for cooked dishes because it loses its much appreciated firmness.
10. Pests and diseases
Cherry tomatoes can be attacked by a number of pests and diseases.
Fortunately, in most cases, these do not reach a serious enough for the farmer to give up his cultivation.
The main pests of cherry tomatoes:
white aphid;
red spider mite;
The main diseases of cherry tomatoes:
powdery mildew;
among others;
Many of these problems mentioned above can be avoided if there is good ventilation. “Cracked” fruits are often caused by irregular watering.
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Note: Cherry tomatoes are indeterminate growth , meaning it will continue to grow indefinitely. Therefore, avoid planting them in a hanging pot, as the plant can quickly outgrow the pot.
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